PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards
protecting the historical heritage they have given us’
May 14, 2024 – 3:30pm
Present: Cynthia Pratt, Vice President, Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary, and Trustees Larry Ganders, Cheryl Malkmus, Peggy McHugo, Robert Southwick, John Turner, and Margie Wyllie. President Jon Halvorson, Treasurer Kendra Hensley and Trustee Monte Pascual were excused. Co-Secretary Denise Keegan absent. Guests John Dziedzic and Paul Webb.
Vice President Pratt convened the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Vice President Pratt declared we had a quorum.
Agenda/Previous Minutes: M/S/P Trustee Turner moved and Trustee Southwick seconded a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Adding 4C for storage unit update. The motion was adopted. M/S/P Trustee Wyllie moved Trustee Ganders seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 9th, 2024. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley distributed the most recent financial statements. Revenues year to date were $ 1,296.73, expenditures of $ 6,421.06 and capital expenditures of $ 0.00. Reserves cover the deficit. M/S/P Trustee Southwick moved and Co-Secretary McGuire seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was adopted.
The 2024 Asset report was discussed and our investments mature in May and June 2024. We also have an investment at Olympia Federal maturing April 19, 2025. M/S/P Trustee Southwick moved and Trustee Turner seconded a motion to approve the Asset report as presented. The motion was adopted.
President’s Report: Vice President Pratt reporting on behalf of President Halvorson.
Former trustee John Dziedzic then summarized a number of technical modifications to the bylaw amendments adopted at the April meeting, along with five additional proposed bylaw amendments (all dealing with clarifying the duties of officers and trustees of the society), which had been reviewed by the board of trustees prior to the October 2023 regular annual meeting of the membership, but were not advanced for a vote of the membership in order to focus on other bylaw amendments that were deemed of greater urgency. There is on file of the Lacey Historical Society titled “Summary of Proposed By-law Changes dated May 14, 2024.
M/S/P Trustee Ganders moved and Co-Secretary McGuire seconded a motion to amend the motion to reconsider to include all the changes presented by former Trustee Dziedzic. The motion was adopted.
M/S/P Trustee Ganders moved and Co-Secretary McGuire seconded a motion to present Proposed By-law changes to be considered at our June 6th, 2024 Special Membership Meeting. The motion was adopted.
The 500 business cards are now available for officers and trustees.
Co-Secretary McGuire announced the Lacey Police Substation is not available at this time for storage of LHS’s 5-6 bins. We may want to explore other storage units or possibly wait until the new police facility is built.
June’s Special membership meeting: The committee plans to have a social half hour 30 minutes at the beginning and the last half hour. By-law changes will be presented as well as presenting the officers. They are reaching out to ask Jack Homann as a guest speaker.
Newsletter: The spring 2024 edition has been distributed. A big thank you to those who are so dedicated to preparing the edition and saving our history.
Good of the Order:
1) June 29th is our picnic at Weatherwood Community Beach Association. We are asked to bring an individual or individuals who may be interested in becoming a LHS member and/or board member.
2) Former Trustee Paul Webb was recognized as the Historian of the year. The honor was recognized at the May 7th Lacey City Council meeting.
3) May 17th at Indian Summer Golf and Country Club beginning at 4:30pm will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Olympic Marathon Trials.
4) Balsley Bench Dedication is set for May 30th 2:00 pm at the Lacey Civic Center.
5) Doc Ehlers clay casting was discussed as well as fund raising efforts, More to come.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is June 11th, 2024 at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
There being no additional discussion Vice President Pratt declared the meeting adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Submitted by: Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary