PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards
protecting the historical heritage they have given us’
March 12, 2024 – 3:30pm
Present: Jon Halvorson, President, Cynthia Pratt, Vice President, Kendra Hensley, Treasurer, Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary, Denise Keegan, Co-Secretary, and Trustees Larry Ganders, Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, Robert Southwick, John Turner, and Margie Wyllie. Guests: Cheryl Malkmus.
President Halvorson convened the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
President Halvorson declared we had a quorum.
Agenda/Previous Minutes: M/S/P Co-Secretary Keegan moved and Treasurer Hensley seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was adopted. M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved Co-Secretary Keegan seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 13th, 2024 meeting were also approved. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley distributed the most recent financial statements. Revenues year to date were $ 785.57, expenditures of $ 3,762.42 and capital expenditures of $ 0.00. Reserves cover the deficit. The 2024 Asset report was discussed and our investments mature in May and June 2024 and the Finance Committee will suggest recommendations based on the investment policy which will be discussed and approved at a future meeting. We also have an investment ay Olympia Federal maturing April 19, 2025. Dues were discussed as to using a fiscal or calendar year. The calendar year would require a By-law change. M/S/P Co-Secretary Keegan moved and Trustee Southwick seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was adopted.
President’s Report: President Halvorson discussed the board vacancy and indicated Cheryl Malkmus was interested in serving as a trustee. She pointed out that she is willing to fulfill the remaining term which is through December 31, 2025 and willing to put in the time required of trustees. M/S/P Trustee Pascual moved and Co-Secretary McGuire seconded a motion to approve Cheryl Malkmus as a Trustee. The motion was adopted.
President Halvorson scheduled the following dates; Special Membership Meeting for June 6th 4pm-7pm and Annual Membership Meeting for September 5th, 4pm-7pm. Both meetings will be held at the Lacey Community Center. The special meeting’s main business is to amend the LHS Bylaws. For example, proposing to change to a calendar year and dues would be due in January or the first quarter and removing October as the specified month of the annual meeting plus any others suggested. The Annual Meeting Planning Group will also add to the program other fun, social items and photos for marketing. Co-Secretary Keegan suggested an idea of inviting those who were “Ehler’s Babies” come and tell their stories and reminisce about the first Lacey doctor’s exploits. The annual meeting needs to be a fun and social event as well as having election of new officers for 2025.
Norway Day April 20th was discussed about advertising in their program to promote LHS. President Halvorson donated $ 40 so LHS will have a full page ad. Norway Day brings in approximately 3,000 participants.
June 29th is the date set for our LHS picnic to be held at Weatherwood Community Beach Association. We are asked to bring an individual or individuals who may be interested in becoming a LHS member and/or board member. More detail as to times of the event plus volunteers for set up, cleanup, etc. to be discussed at our next board meeting.
Good of the Order:
- Co-Secretary Keegan (committee member for the “Olympic Trials Legacy committee”) reported the Olympic Qualifying Trials is set for May 16-18th. Many famous athletes will be in attendance including Frank Shorter and Joan Benoit. The last time an Olympic Qualifying Trial was 40 years ago held on May12, 1984.She also indicated the activities that are being held over the 3 day period.
- Trustee Turner inform us that the Lacey Fire District is celebrating their 75th anniversary with a parade beginning at St John Paul High School on April 2nd at 3pm.
- Trustee Malkmus discussed maps of the “Lakes” and where resorts, etc were located and perhaps Trustee Southwick would like to participate as well as others.
- Treasurer Hensley, Trustee Pascual and Trustee Ganders have been added as admin for our Facebook Page.
- Trustee Ganders indicated “The Evergreen Ballroom” has a lot of history which we should gather information and perhaps have an article in our news letter and the website.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is April 9th, 2024 at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
M/S/P Trustee Turner moved and Co-Secretary Keegan seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary