PO Box 3324   Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324    

‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards protecting the historical heritage they have given us’


       June 13, 2023 – 2:30pm


as adopted July 26, 2023


Present:  Jon Halvorson, President; Robert Southwick, Vice President; Kendra Hensley, Treasurer; and Trustees Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, Mike Smith, Paul Webb, Judy Wilson, and Margie Wylie.  Guests: Former LHS Board Secretary Susan Hartman and John Dziedzic.

President Halvorson convened the meeting at 2:35 p.m. and invited the Trustees and Officers present to provide structured self-introductions.


Agenda/Previous Minutes:  The Agenda was approved as presented.  It was noted that the Minutes of the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, held May 31, 2023 had been approved at the conclusion of that meeting.


Temporary Recording Secretary Appointed:  President Halvorson announced that Kathie Perz, who had assumed the office of Secretary of the Board of Trustees at the May 31, 2023 meeting, had tendered her resignation from the Board due to being injured in an automobile collision.  By appointment of President Halvorson, John Dziedzic assumed the duties of Temporary Recording Secretary for the purposes of the June 13 meeting.


President’s Report:  President Halvorson shared with the Board that, effective June 1, 2023, he had accepted an appointment by Lacey Mayor Andy Ryder to a position on the Lacey Historical Commission, and will attend the next meeting of the Commission on June 21, 2023.


President Halvorson explained that the resolution adopted by the former Board of Trustees at the May 31, 2023 meeting had been effective, under Paragraph 5.f of the By-Laws, in filling vacancies of the four Officers of the Society, but that further action was necessary to fill the remaining seven vacant At-Large Trustee positions on the Board.

M/S/P Trustee Smith MOVED, and Treasurer Hensley SECONDED a MOTION nominating Peggy McHugo, Nancy Miller, Monte Pascual, John Turner, Paul Webb, Judy Wilson and Margie Wylie to fill the vacant positions of At-Large Trustees.  The MOTION PASSED without opposition.

Financial Reports:  Treasurer Hensley stated that she had conducted a preliminary review of the recent expenditures and account balances maintained by the Society as of the most recent quarterly statement (end of March):



M/S/P It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the Treasurer.  The motion was adopted.


Treasurer Hensley and President Halvorson distributed a document titled “Draft LHS 2023 Budget” (attached) identifying an estimated total annual income of $1,010, and a preliminary estimate of expenditures totaling $4,123, resulting in a projected deficit of $3,113.  After discussion, a consensus was reached to TABLE the budget document pending correction of noted inaccuracies, and the gathering of more precise projections of costs associated with programmatic decisions yet to be made by the Board.







New Business:  President Halvorson proposed to (a) provide a record documenting the transfer of keys to the Society’s Post Office Box and storage facility, etc. from the prior to the current Officers; (b) create a standard form for use by Trustees to request reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred on behalf of the Society; and (c) have a “financial review” conducted to provide an independent confirmation of the Society’s financial position upon the transition from the former Board to the current Board.


General discussion ensued regarding the desire for the Trustees to reach consensus on operating and programmatic issues, including: (a) whether and how to announce and prepare for an annual meeting (currently scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at the Lacey Community Center); (b) structuring membership dues and other fundraising; (c) deciding on the scope, nature, and prioritization of projects to be undertaken; and (d) communicating with current membership and other interested parties.



Nominating Committee:  President Halvorson appointed John Dziedzic to Chair a committee charged, pursuant to By-Law paragraph 5.g, with proposing nominations for election at the annual membership meeting of 12 Trustees to two-year terms commencing January 1, 2024, four of which are also to be nominated to positions of officers for the 2024 calendar year.  Margie Wylie and Paul Webb volunteered to serve as the two Board members of the committee.  Two additional non-Board members of the Society are to be proposed for appointment to the committee at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Next Meeting:  The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 in the public meeting room of the Lacey Timberland Library (500 College Street).


Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Submitted by:

John Dziedzic, Temporary Recording Secretary


Attachment:  Draft LHS 2023 Budget


__________________________________           July 26, 2023