PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards
protecting the historical heritage they have given us’
January 16, 2024 – 3:30pm


Present: Jon Halvorson, President, Kendra Hensley, Treasurer, Tim McGuire, Co- Secretary, Denise Keegan, Co-Secretary, and Trustees Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, Robert Southwick, and Margie Wyllie. Guests: John Dziedzic and Cheryl Malkmus.Trustees Larry Ganders, Susan Hartman and John Turner were excused. Cynthia Pratt, Vice President was absent.
President Halvorson convened the meeting at 3:31 p.m.
President Halvorson declared we had a quorum.

Agenda/Previous Minutes:

M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved and Trustee McHugo seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was adopted.
M/S/P Co-Secretary McGuire moved Trustee Pascual seconded to approve the Minutes of the December 12th, 2023 meeting were also approved. The motion was
President’s Report: President Halvorson discussed LHS’s involvement in Lacey Cultural Celebration March 9th, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm hosted by St Martin’s
University. It is planned for us to host a booth to try and increase our membership, more to come at our February meeting. Our State Farm Insurance policy was discussed in detail, copies of the policy will be made available at our next meeting. Annual premium is $ 631.00. M/S/P Co-Secretary Keegan moved Trustee Southwick seconded to approve our policy with State Farm insurance as presented to LHS. The motion was adopted.

President Halvorson distributed the LHS 2024 Budget. Total revenues $ 2,010 expenditures of $ 9,920 and capital expenditures $ 1,500. We have enough reserves to
cover the deficit from our reserves. M/S/P Co-Secretary Keegan moved Trustee Wyllie seconded to approve our 2024 Budget. The motion was adopted.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley discussed the most recently received statements from the Society’s financial institutions, she emailed LHS the financials
ending December 31, 2023, later that evening. Revenues were $ 972.60, expenditures of $ 4,171.92 and capital expenditures of $ 58,178.56. Reserves cover the deficit.

Selma Ave. Support Request: Former Trustee Dziedzic introduced Cheryl Malkmus who spoke in favor of recognition of the “Popke Subdivision” as a historical significance. M/S/P Trustee Wyllie moved Treasurer Hensley seconded to approve the following; The Board of Trustees the Lacey Historical Society goes on record as endorsing the proposal initiated by resident Cheryl Malkmus, to recognize the historical significance of the “Popkes Subdivision” at the site of the newly dedicated Multicare Neighborhood Emergency Department; and to further encourage the city of Lacey to respond favorably and approve Ms. Malkmus’ proposal to: A) Designate Selma Street as a “Memorial Roadway,” B) Install a historical street sign at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Selma Street identifying the street’s original, 1950, designation of “Selma Avenue;” and C) designate as an “Historical Tree” for the purposes of Lacey Municipal Code 14.32.072, the 70+ year old Tulip Poplar Tree (Liriodendron Tilipifera) that still stands at the former site of 904 Selma Street. The motion was adopted.

Newsletter: Trustee Wyllie summarized the status of the newsletter, and plans to get it printed, folded, and mailed as soon as this Friday.

Social Events Proposals: Trustee Wyllie discussed having a social picnic during the summer at Weatherwood Community Beach Association. More to come.
We also discussed moving our annual meeting to perhaps July which would allow for more day light as the sun sets later than in late fall.
The Lacey Fun Fair at St. Martin’s is scheduled for May 17-19, 2024. Perhaps we should have a booth as well. Membership drive.

Ad Hoc Committees & Policies: The following committees do not have a chairperson and volunteers to assist; 1) Community and Outreach Activities, 2) Nominating, 3)Marketing Public Relations 4) Programs & Projects.
The following Committees have a chair and/or participants; 1) Finance-Chair Jon W. Halvorson and Denise Keegan & Cynthia Pratt; 2) Publications-Chair Margie Wyllie and John Turner, Paul Webb, Nancy Miller & John Dziedzic 3) Annual Planning Planning-Chair Cynthia Pratt; 4) Financial Review (Audit) Committee-Chair Tim McGuire and Nancy Miller & John Dziedzic; 5) Social Events-Chair Margie Wyllie and Monte Pascual and Peggy McHugo; 6) Technical & Computer Group-Chair Monte Pascual and Larry Ganders, Kendra Hensley and Peggy McHugo. 7) Website Maintenance-Chair Bonnie Miller 8) LHD Email Responder-Chair John Dziedzic and 9) Facebook Administrator-Chair Susan Hartman.

Investment Policy: Chairperson Halvorson distributed a draft investment policy dated 1/16/24-Due to time restraints this will be discussed at our next meeting.

Next Meeting: The remaining meetings for our Board meetings for 2024 are the second
Tuesday of every month at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m.

Submitted by: Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary