PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards protecting the historical
heritage they have given us’
August 13, 2024 – 3:30pm
Present: President Jon Halvorson, Cynthia Pratt, Vice President, Kendra Hensley, Treasurer, Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary, and Trustees Larry Ganders, Cheryl Malkmus, Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, John Turner, and Margie Wyllie. Co-Secretary Keegan excused. Members present John Dziedzic and Paul
President Halvorson convened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. President Halvorson declared we had a quorum.
Agenda/Previous Minutes: M/S/P Trustee Turner moved and Trustee Malkmus seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was adopted. M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved and Trustee Turner seconded to approve the Minutes of the June 11th, 2024. The motion was adopted.
Appointment of Board Trustee to fill vacancy: M/S/P President Halvorson moved and Treasurer Hensley seconded a motion to appoint John Dziedzic as a board Trustee to fill a recent vacancy. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley distributed the most recent financial statements. Revenues year to date were $ 1,873.57, expenditures of $ 7,503.05 and capital expenditures of $ 0.00. Reserves cover the deficit. Budget amendments will be proposed in the coming months to cover expenses that were not anticipated when the budget was approved. M/S/P Trustee Dziedzic moved and Trustee Turner seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was adopted. The 2024 Asset report was discussed in detail. A column was added to show interest rates of CD’s. We are staging our investments to mature per board policy previously approved at an earlier meeting. M/S/P Trustee Dziedzic moved and Trustee Turner seconded to approve an invoice for our annual meeting for the use of the Community Center in the amount of $ $ 313.85. The motion was adopted. M/S/P Trustee Dziedzic moved and Trustee Turner seconded a motion to approve the Asset report as presented. The motion was adopted. 60 members have paid for 2024.
September 5th Annual membership meeting: We have to notify our members 10 days prior to September 5th and Trustee Dziedzic will be conducting the notification via mail, and/or e-mailing. There are approximately 87 members in good standing.
4:00-5:00 social and viewing exhibits, 5:30-President Halvorson will conduct the meeting and introduce Trustee Dziedzic as MC to introduce John Donaldson (Capital Development Company) to talk about South Sound Center and Rick Walk, Lacey city manager to discuss “Future of Lacey”. 6:10-Bylaws handouts will be available. 6:20-voting for officers and 6:30 questions and adjournment.
Nomination Committee Report: Trustee Dziedzic presented a full slate of members to present for a vote at the September 5th annual meeting. Currently, Treasurer Kendra Hensley, Trustees Cheryl Malkmus, Tim McGuire and Monte Pascual terms will expire December 31, 2025. Trustee Dziedzic moved and Trustee Turner seconded a motion to approve the slate of candidates as presented. Terms expiring December 31, 2025 to fill two vacancies, Secretary John Dziedzic, and Trustee Paul Webb and six new terms expiring December 31, 2026; President Jon Halvorson, Vice President Cynthia Pratt, Trustees Larry Ganders, Denise Keegan, John Turner and Margie Wyllie. The motion was adopted.
Program plans for 2025: A) Doc Ehlers proposal; B) Memory garden Revival and C) Facebooks postings.
President’s Report:
1) Facebook postings-Treasurer Hensley updated the board, of the 139 followers 69% are women and 3% are men. Location is 51 from Lacey, 27 from Olympia, 6 from Tumwater and 5 from Lacey, NJ. Engagements are 89-300 per post.
2) Lilli will be in attendance at our annual meeting and will be recognized by President Halvorson for her work on Facebook as well as researching the history of Thompson Place.
3) Trustee Malkmus will represent LHS at the Lacey City Historical Commission meeting on August 21st. She also updated us on the Poplar tree on Selma Ave.
4) Next newsletter is scheduled for completion in October.
5) Trustee Ganders discussed social media of being interactive with Facebook, Instagram and the Web page in a way of attracting younger people.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is September 10th 2024 at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
There being no additional discussion President Halvorson declared the meeting adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 4:39 p.m.
Submitted by: Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary