PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards
protecting the historical heritage they have given us’
April 9, 2024 – 3:30pm
Present: Jon Halvorson, President, Cynthia Pratt, Vice President, Kendra Hensley,
Treasurer, Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary, Denise Keegan, Co-Secretary, and Trustees
Larry Ganders, Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, Robert Southwick, John Turner, and
Margie Wyllie. Trustee Cheryl Malkmus was excused.
President Halvorson convened the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
President Halvorson declared we had a quorum.
Agenda/Previous Minutes: M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved and Trustee Southwick seconded a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Adding 3E for payment for special meeting on June 6th at the Community Center and 6B Senior News for advertising. The motion was adopted. M/S/P Vice President Pratt moved Trustee Pascual seconded to approve the Minutes of the March 12th, 2024 as amended with grammatical changes. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley distributed the most recent financial statements. Revenues year to date were $ 796.66, expenditures of $ 4,076.42 and
capital expenditures of $ 0.00. Reserves cover the deficit. The 2024 Asset report was discussed and our investments mature in May and June 2024. We also have an
investment at Olympia Federal maturing April 19, 2025. M/S/P Co-Secretary McGuire moved and Co-Secretary Keegan seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was adopted.
Our IRS 990 Form report was discussed and we have 56 paid members.
M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved and Vice President Pratt seconded a motion to approve the payment for our June 6th Special meeting for $ 313.85 from 4:00pm to
7:00pm at the Lacey Community Center. The motion was adopted.
President’s Report: M/S/P Vice President Pratt moved Trustee Southwick seconded to authorize the LHS Treasurer to take the funds from the maturing
2 WSECU Certificate of Deposit # 59 (5/14/24) and reinvest it in four new CD’s with differing maturity dates depending upon interest rates and specials. Four
individual CD’s of $ 25,000 maturing in about 6 months, one in about 12 months, one in about 18 months and one in about 24 months, with the remaining cash
balance being deposited in the LHS WSECU checking, savings and/or money market accounts. There was discussion regarding the staging of the CD’s. This has
been discussed during our regular meeting as well as the committee’s recommendation. The motion was adopted.
M/S/P Vice President Pratt moved Trustee Pascual to authorize the LHS Treasurer to “roll over” WSECU of Deposit # 60 (6/3/24) for a period of months that gives LHS the best return interest rate. The motion was adopted.
M/S/P Vice President Pratt moved Trustee Ganders to present Proposed By-law changes to be considered at our June 6th, 2024 Special Membership Meeting.
Page 1, Paragraph 4 b. The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year. Dues shall be paid on or after January 1 of each year.
Page 2, Paragraph 5 g. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees prior to the (delete “October”) general membership meeting of the society…..
Page 2, Paragraph 5 i. The election shall be held at the annual fall membership meeting (delete “in October”) and will be by written ballot.
Page 4, Paragraph 9 a. Delete sub-paragraph ii entitled “Community and Outreach Activities“. Renumber sub-paragraphs that follow.
The motion was adopted
Meeting chair for May 14th meeting will be Vice President Pratt as President Halvorson will be out of state. We will have 500 business cards available for officers and trustees soon.
June’s Special membership meeting: The committee plans to have a social half hour
30 minutes at the beginning and the last half hour. By-law changes will be presented as
well as presenting the officers. They are reaching out to ask Jack Homann as a guest
Senior News: Trustee McHugo is making contact to place an ad promoting our organization’s name in an attempt to increase our membership.
Good of the Order:
1) Norway Day is April 20th which we have placed a full page ad in their program.
2) June 29th is our picnic at Weatherwood Community Beach Association. We are asked to bring an individual or individuals who may be interested in becoming a LHS member and/or board member.
3) April 16th Vice President Pratt will be presenting at the library a poem as April is Poetry month.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is May 14th, 2024 at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
There being no additional discussion President Halvorson declared the meeting adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Tim McGuire, Co-Secretary