PO Box 3324 Lacey, Wash. 98509-3324
‘To be a voice for the early citizens of Lacey, and to be their stewards
protecting the historical heritage they have given us’
October 8, 2024 – 3:30pm
Present: Jon Halvorson, President, Cynthia Pratt, Vice President, Kendra Hensley, Treasurer, Trustees John Dziedzic, Larry Ganders, Denise Keegan, Cheryl Malkmus, Peggy McHugo, Monte Pascual, John Turner, and Margie Wyllie.
Trustee Tim McGuire was excused.
President Halvorson convened the meeting at 3:34 p.m, and acknowledged that a quorum was present.
Agenda/Previous Minutes: M/S/P Vice President Pratt moved and Trustee Pascual seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented The motion was adopted. M/S/P Treasurer Hensley moved and Vice President Pratt seconded to approve the Minutes of the August 13th, 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hensley distributed financial statements dated September 6 and October 7, 2024, and explained that the 57 cent reduction in the total amount of donations received between the two reports was due to the delayed, monthly reconciliation of the fee associated with the processing of donations received on-line. Total revenues year to date are more than 98.5% of total budgeted revenue for the year, and actual year-to-date expenditures are $1,142 below the projected annual budget, with less than $750 in known and anticipated routine expenses remaining to be paid this year. The Asset report was highlighted by noting that a single time deposit (currently earning 1.51%) is due to mature in April, at which time its re-investment will present a question of whether the board of trustees wishes to continue to maintain investments in multiple local federally insured financial institutions, or to consolidate all finances in a single institution. M/S/P Trustee Keegan moved and Trustee Dziedzic seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was adopted.
Treasurer Hensley noted that 68 members have paid their memberships dues in calendar year 2024. Trustee Dziedzic added that an additional 25 memberships had been created or renewed late enough in 2023, such that 93 members were eligible to vote at last month’s annual meeting.
Newsletter: Editor Wyllie indicated that sufficient materials arein the works to justify printing a third newsletter edition this year, breaking with the long-held practice (since at least 1996) of printing no more than two newsletters in a single year. Editor Wyllie also announced that, beginning with the upcoming edition, there would be a standing feature called “gone but not forgotten” which would include memorials of significant local figures, such as Al(dene) Baker, Bill Bush, and former of Lacey Historical Society leaders Robert Krier, and Robert Southwick who have recently passed away. M/S/P As only two newsletters were contemplated under the 2024 budget, Trustee Dziedzic moved, and Co-Secretary Keegan seconded to authorize up to an additional $1500 for the publication and distribution of a third newsletter this year. The motion was adopted. A discussion ensued regarding the number of newsletters to be printed in the upcoming months. Trustee Dziedzic estimated that approximately one-half of the 400 names on the newsletter mailing list are currently, or have been members since just before the pandemic, while the other 200 or so have neither responded to receiving a newsletter or otherwise made contact with the society during the same period. The consensus reached was to appeal to the non-responders for some indication of their continuing interest, or explain that we will be removing them from the mailing list in order to reduce our printing and mailing costs.
Facebook Postings: Treasurer Hensley reported that she plans to begin two weekly posting on the society’s Facebook page: the first is called Memorial Monday, and will feature an image taken from the official catalog commemorating the dedicated plantings in a Memorial Garden (“Remembrance Place”) located around and near the current museum and women’s club properties on Lacey Street, which honor over 100 significant Lacey residents; the second, Future Thursday, will document the events, people, and entities that are creating Lacey’s history now.
Lacey Historical Commission: President Halvorson announced that Trustee Turner had volunteered to represent the Society at the Commission’s October 16 meeting, with Treasurer Hensley and Trustee Dziedzic planning to attend the commission’s November 16 and December 18 meetings, respectively.
2025 Action Plan: After a general discussion regarding the desire to increase membership and awareness of the Society, including suggestions such as the desire to re-engage in the Lacey Chamber’s monthly Forum and make additional efforts to report on Lacey’s diverse population, Trustee Dziedzic moved, and Vice-President Pratt seconded a motion that the Society prioritize its plans in the upcoming year to supporting two priorities: (1) commissioning a permanent physical memorial honoring Lacey’s first physician, Dr. William A. Ehlers; and (2) revitalizing the Memorial Garden (or “Remembrance Place”). Following a suggestion by Co-Secretary Keegan, and others, the motion was revised to clarify that (a) any decision as to how to revitalize the Memorial Garden was subject to an exploration of sustainable options and a subsequent decision of the Board of Trustees; and (b) the Dr. Ehlers statue planning committee was encouraged to investigate (i) the use of alternative media options (other than bronze)and (ii) options to increase the support of younger and more recent Lacey residents. The modified motion was adopted unanimously.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is November 12, 2024 at the Lacey Fire Department main station.
There being no additional discussion President Halvorson declared the meeting adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by: John Dziedzic, Temporary Secretary